Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mixed Meters celebrates its Susquicentennial

(Prescript: If you're reading this because you searched Google for "Susquicentennial" try this search instead for the correct spelling. You'll get hundreds of thousands of hits. Don't make my mistake and find out too late that the word is actually spelt "sesquicentennial" "Sesqui" is a prefix which means "one and a half." Read about Mixed Meters' Bi-Sesquicentennial posting here.)

I now return you to my original posting ...

Even Leslie, who is not Mixed Meters' most regular reader, said "It's been more than three days." So here's a quick and easy posting - the 150th in Mixed Meters history.

Copyright 2004 David Ocker
Here's a video described as
the "Worst Music Video Ever"

Copyright 2004 David Ocker
Here's a website devoted to shoelaces.

Copyright 2004 David Ocker
This video was described as the world's
worst half time show

Copyright 2004 David Ocker
Here are instructions, written by Charles Mingus,
on how to train your cat to use the toilet.

And here's a talking cat video.
(we're talkin' real cats)

Copyright 2004 David Ocker
Here's the Hall of Doucebags
(an unimaginable number of
bad band publicity photos)

Some of these links came from:
WFMU Beware of the Blog and
Music Thing

The dead tree trunk is
at the LA County Arboretum
For a clue why I think these
pictures are neat, click here.

Pictures of Plants
Music Video

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